Avoid using too many metaphors, analogies and extremely technical wordswhen they are not needed
Thanks for highlighting these issues! I think implementing this recommendation would also make EA more inclusive for many native English speakers. EAs often use words and phrases that aren’t used routinely (or in the same way) by native speakers who aren’t EAs. Some native speakers—perhaps especially people who are just learning about EA or didn’t study philosophy/economics—may similarly worry about being judged when they aren’t familiar with certain terms. So when we can minimize jargon use while still communicating clearly, we should.
Thanks for highlighting these issues! I think implementing this recommendation would also make EA more inclusive for many native English speakers. EAs often use words and phrases that aren’t used routinely (or in the same way) by native speakers who aren’t EAs. Some native speakers—perhaps especially people who are just learning about EA or didn’t study philosophy/economics—may similarly worry about being judged when they aren’t familiar with certain terms. So when we can minimize jargon use while still communicating clearly, we should.