Just commenting to make explicit that I read and share these and find them to be very useful for staying on top of insights and content. Just to quantify how much I value it, I think that I would probably pay a small amount to subscribe to it if that was required (say 50usd annually). I say all this because I think that often many people benefit from ‘synthesis’ work like this but relatively few communicate the benefit. I think that being explicit about benefits can help to motivate and empower the content producer and help them get funding to continue their work.
Just commenting to make explicit that I read and share these and find them to be very useful for staying on top of insights and content. Just to quantify how much I value it, I think that I would probably pay a small amount to subscribe to it if that was required (say 50usd annually). I say all this because I think that often many people benefit from ‘synthesis’ work like this but relatively few communicate the benefit. I think that being explicit about benefits can help to motivate and empower the content producer and help them get funding to continue their work.