I’ve got a slight pushback here. I don’t think my intuition of where the most good can be done is actually all that good at all, even now after thinking more deeply from an effective-altruism perspectives. It often surprises me when I crunch the numbers that what I intuitively think might be best doesn’t stack up. Others intuition might be far better though.
When its a doctors’ own patient though, part of their role might be (arguably) to advocate for that patient cost-effectiveness be darned. Not sure what I think about that though.
Thanks for the sentiment and appreciation @Mathieu Spillebeen
I’ve got a slight pushback here. I don’t think my intuition of where the most good can be done is actually all that good at all, even now after thinking more deeply from an effective-altruism perspectives. It often surprises me when I crunch the numbers that what I intuitively think might be best doesn’t stack up. Others intuition might be far better though.
When its a doctors’ own patient though, part of their role might be (arguably) to advocate for that patient cost-effectiveness be darned. Not sure what I think about that though.