Charging your phone is a very small amount of energy. The CO2-Emissions from that are less than what humans breathe out during an hour.
(some math with example values found through quick google searches, actual values depend on lot of factors and differ from source to source: 20 Wh to charge a phone, 1kg/kWh CO2 for energy, 0.66kg/day CO2 per human breathing. So a phone charge is 20g of CO2, which is equivalent to 20 * 24 / 660 = 0.73 hours of human breathing)
Charging your phone is a very small amount of energy. The CO2-Emissions from that are less than what humans breathe out during an hour.
(some math with example values found through quick google searches, actual values depend on lot of factors and differ from source to source: 20 Wh to charge a phone, 1kg/kWh CO2 for energy, 0.66kg/day CO2 per human breathing. So a phone charge is 20g of CO2, which is equivalent to 20 * 24 / 660 = 0.73 hours of human breathing)