The £5000/month was an estimate based on earlier spending. Our costs are variable dependent on occupancy, hours worked by staff, random maintenance costs etc. It’s unfortunate that I didn’t adjust the totaliser earlier based on the actual spend, and I considered just paying out of my own pocket to hide the mistake, given that it’s likely to be a black mark against me/the EA Hotel (and there seems to be very little tolerance for mistakes in EA these days). I hope at least some people appreciate the honesty.
The £5000/month was an estimate based on earlier spending. Our costs are variable dependent on occupancy, hours worked by staff, random maintenance costs etc. It’s unfortunate that I didn’t adjust the totaliser earlier based on the actual spend, and I considered just paying out of my own pocket to hide the mistake, given that it’s likely to be a black mark against me/the EA Hotel (and there seems to be very little tolerance for mistakes in EA these days). I hope at least some people appreciate the honesty.