Thanks for the comment. I think the ways an aligned AGI could make the world safer against unaligned AGIs can be divided in two categories: preventing unaligned AGIs from coming into existence or stopping already existing unaligned AGIs from causing extinction. The second is the offense/defense balance. The first is what you point at.
If an AGI would prevent people from creating AI, this would likely be against their will. A state would be the only actor who could do so legally, assuming there is regulation in place, and also most practically. Therefore, I think your option falls under what I described in my post as “Types of AI (hardware) regulation may be possible where the state actors implementing the regulation are aided by aligned AIs”. I think this is indeed a realistic option and it may reduce existential risk somewhat. Getting the regulation in place at all, however, seems more important at this point than developing what I see as a pretty far-fetched and—at the moment—intractable way to implement it more effectively.
Thanks for the comment. I think the ways an aligned AGI could make the world safer against unaligned AGIs can be divided in two categories: preventing unaligned AGIs from coming into existence or stopping already existing unaligned AGIs from causing extinction. The second is the offense/defense balance. The first is what you point at.
If an AGI would prevent people from creating AI, this would likely be against their will. A state would be the only actor who could do so legally, assuming there is regulation in place, and also most practically. Therefore, I think your option falls under what I described in my post as “Types of AI (hardware) regulation may be possible where the state actors implementing the regulation are aided by aligned AIs”. I think this is indeed a realistic option and it may reduce existential risk somewhat. Getting the regulation in place at all, however, seems more important at this point than developing what I see as a pretty far-fetched and—at the moment—intractable way to implement it more effectively.