EA Organization Updates: December 2024

If you would like to see EA Organization Updates as soon as they come out, consider subscribing to this tag.

Some of the opportunities and job listings we feature in this update have (very) pressing deadlines (see the Global AI Safety Fellowship and job openings for a Front-end Software Engineer at Epoch AI and a Development Coordinator at Longview Philanthropy).

Opportunities and jobs


Consider also checking opportunities listed on the EA Opportunity Board and the Opportunities to Take Action tag.

  • The Anthropic Fellows Program offers 6-month AI safety research fellowships in Berkeley or London. Fellows receive $2,100/​week plus benefits, mentorship from leading researchers, and compute resources. The program is open to technical professionals transitioning to AI safety. Deadline: January 20th.

  • Applications are now open for the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk’s new MPhil in Global Risk and Resilience. The course is designed to help students understand global catastrophic and existential risks, how to manage them, and their links to transformative sociotechnological trends. The course will explore policymaking challenges in areas like AI, biosecurity, and climate change while preparing students for impactful careers in government, industry, and civil society. The deadline for UK students to apply for funding is January 7th, and the final application deadline is April 30th.

  • The Global AI Safety Fellowship offers a fully-funded 6-month research program for exceptional STEM talent to work with leading AI safety organizations. Fellows receive a $30K stipend and mentorship. Remote/​hybrid work is possible. Deadline: December 31st.

  • The 80,000 Hours Podcast Advisory Group seeks regular listeners to provide episode feedback. Members receive short surveys after each episode release, helping shape future content and guest selection.

  • The Aquatic Animal Funding Circle is now accepting donors who can commit $100k+ per funding round to a collaborative funding initiative focused on reducing farmed aquatic animal suffering. Monthly meetings start in January 2025. Contact aquaticanimals-fc@farmedanimalfunders.org to join.

  • The CLR Foundations Course introduces participants to the Center on Long Term Risk’s research on s-risk reduction. The Winter 2024 round has just begun and our next round will take place in Spring 2025. Sign up here to be notified.

  • The CLR S-Risk Seminars build on content introduced in the CLR Foundations Course and are suitable for participants in that course or those with a similar context of CLR’s research. Applications will likely open in February 2025 — sign-up here to be notified.

Job listings

​​Consider also exploring jobs listed on the Job listing (open) tag. For even more roles, check the 80,000 Hours Job Board.

Animal Welfare Fund


Centre for Effective Altruism

  • If you’re interested in working at the Centre for Effective Altruism but don’t see an open role that matches your skillset, express your interest.

Epoch AI

Evidence Action

Fish Welfare Initiative

Lead Exposure Elimination Project

Longview Philanthropy

MIT FutureTech

Open Philanthropy

Princeton DevEcon

Probably Good

Organization updates

The organization updates are in alphabetical order (0-A-Z).

80,000 Hours

80,000 Hours published a blog post with two key tips for giving season.

And the 80,000 Hours Podcast released four new interviews:

Animal Advocacy Careers

The Impactful Policy Careers Accelerator was designed to empower participants to drive impactful change in European policy and shape a better future. Spend a week in Brussels with 20 ambitious changemakers developing the skills, knowledge, and networks needed to transform sustainable food systems through policy. Application deadline: January 5th.

Animal Charity Evaluators (ACE)

In June 2024, ACE conducted their second annual staff diversity survey to assess the representation of various individual characteristics within the organization and how effectively they foster an inclusive and equitable workplace.

Key areas explored include racial and gender diversity, disability inclusion, and socioeconomic backgrounds. These findings will help drive improvements in ACE’s hiring practices, policy development, and workplace inclusion strategies.

Anima International

Anima International reached a symbolic milestone in their cage-free work — for the first time since the campaign started in 2014, the percentage of hens kept in cages in Poland dropped below 70%. It’s now 69.98% (as of November 29th). With over 53 million hens kept on Polish farms at any given time, the country is one of the biggest egg producers and exporters in the European Union.


Faunalytics’ newest research paper investigates how research is used by animal advocacy organizations in China and Southeast Asia. The report covers the research needs of advocates, including barriers to using research and solutions to overcome them.

The organization has expanded their Research Ambassador project to include new “Applying the Findings” modules. These modules have been created to appeal to certain types of advocates and provide specific and actionable pieces of advice. They include “Plant-Based Nudges and Defaults,” “University Advocates: A Guide for Activism,” and several more.

Additionally, Faunalytics has updated their Research Library with articles on a variety of animal advocacy topics including consumer attitudes on in-ovo egg sexing. The organization also added a blog post on the ethics of academic journals.

Fish Welfare Initiative

Fish Welfare Initiative recently published their plans for 2025. Key priorities include:

  • Developing remote sensing of water quality, likely through further studies on satellite imagery.

  • Field testing fortified feed as a welfare improvement.

  • Continuing to operate their farm program, which improves fish welfare via stocking density reductions and water quality improvements in rural India.

  • Launching expanded field-building work in China, for which they are now hiring.

They also recently supported the World Conference on Farm Animal Welfare in China.


America’s global aid agency, USAID, released two position papers last month: one recognizing direct cash as a cost-effective tool to reduce poverty and the other calling for agency-wide standards of cost-effectiveness.

Over a decade of GiveDirectly’s research and programs contributed to this shift — read more on their plan to maintain momentum with the incoming administration here.


GiveWell published their 2024 Giving Recommendations and Staff Members’ Personal Donations for Giving Season 2024.

This year, GiveWell re-evaluated the cost effectiveness of direct cash transfers as implemented by GiveDirectly. They now estimate that GiveDirectly’s flagship cash program is 3-4x more cost-effective than previously estimated. See the blog post and full report for more.

GiveWell also published an update to their grant deployment timelines. Read about the decision here.

Global Priorities Institute

The Global Priorities Institute (GPI) has published their new research agendas. There are now three distinct agendas for their three core research areas: philosophy, economics, and psychology. Some more information can also be found in this EA Forum post.

Longview Philanthropy

Longview published their 2024 Emerging Challenges Fund report. The Emerging Challenges Fund supports organizations that address global security risks from emerging technologies. They are currently fundraising for the ECF.

Open Philanthropy

Open Philanthropy supported the establishment of the Center for Operational Research for Hepatitis B, a coordination center focused on expanding access to hepatitis B care and treatment in LMICs. Read the Coalition for Global Hepatitis Elimination’s announcement post here.

Deena Mousa, our Global Health and Wellbeing Chief of Staff, appeared on The Intelligence to discuss the quiet re-emergence of iodine deficiency (and how to solve it!).

Rethink Priorities

The organization published their annual impact report and strategy post. The Animal Welfare Department shared more details about their plans, as did the Worldview Investigations Team. (See the latter’s most recent post on LLMs.)

Rethink Priorities also released a series of reports on the first wave of their Pulse project, which entailed running nationally representative surveys to understand US attitudes and awareness regarding effective giving and philanthropic cause areas. Topics include:

  • Attitudes towards ten major philanthropic cause areas, from global health and development to farmed animal welfare to existential risk.

  • Awareness of effective altruism and related public figures and organizations.

  • Donation-related behavior and use of charity evaluators.

  • Views on giving pledges.

  • Estimates of respondents’ income relative to that of the wider world.

  • Concerns about AI.

The Good Food Institute

The Good Food Institute is excited to introduce their 2024 Research Grant Program outcomes, continuing their support for groundbreaking research in alternative proteins. Read all about it here: Building the next generation of alternative protein innovators.

GFI Europe’s new blog post, We can’t do this alone: Why coalition building is essential to addressing the climate ‘cow in the room’, showcases how the GFI Europe team, powered by donor support, worked to drive real climate action in 2024.

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