I don’t agree with your take, but many people in EA (and definitely outside it) feel similarly to you so I appreciate you writing this. It’s also a good time to criticize invertebrate welfare, as more attention and funding are directed there.
That said, I found the tone of this post too confrontational to promote useful discussion so I’ve decided neither to upvote or downvote. I know it’s a tough ask, but it would also be very useful to directly engage with works in this space (say, recent posts on invertebrate welfare or RP’s sequence) and clearly outline the difference in views.
I don’t agree with your take, but many people in EA (and definitely outside it) feel similarly to you so I appreciate you writing this. It’s also a good time to criticize invertebrate welfare, as more attention and funding are directed there.
That said, I found the tone of this post too confrontational to promote useful discussion so I’ve decided neither to upvote or downvote. I know it’s a tough ask, but it would also be very useful to directly engage with works in this space (say, recent posts on invertebrate welfare or RP’s sequence) and clearly outline the difference in views.
Oh! I see that you’ve also posted Shrimp Neuroanatomy. Great, I’m looking forward future posts on this topic to inform the debate :)