Just wanted to give more attention to an edit, as also highlighted by Sharang Phadke: The text for the picture with “Women in Uganda holding bales of insecticide-treated bednets provided by the Against Malaria Foundation, one of Giving What We Can’s Top Charities.” is not below said image as typical image text, rather, it is placed awkwardly in the middle of main text further down.
Just wanted to give more attention to an edit, as also highlighted by Sharang Phadke: The text for the picture with “Women in Uganda holding bales of insecticide-treated bednets provided by the Against Malaria Foundation, one of Giving What We Can’s Top Charities.” is not below said image as typical image text, rather, it is placed awkwardly in the middle of main text further down.
Should be fixed, thanks!
For future readers, please do add a comment about other formatting issues in the handbook