I think governments are not aware of the stop button problem and they think in case of emergency they can just shut down the company / servers running the AGI using force. That’s what happened in the past with digital currencies (which Jackson Wagnermentions here as a plausible member of the same reference class as AGI for governments) before bitcoin—they either failed on their own, or if successful, were shut down by government (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_currency#History).
I think governments are not aware of the stop button problem and they think in case of emergency they can just shut down the company / servers running the AGI using force. That’s what happened in the past with digital currencies (which Jackson Wagner mentions here as a plausible member of the same reference class as AGI for governments) before bitcoin—they either failed on their own, or if successful, were shut down by government (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_currency#History).