You’re right—my comment is addressing an additional problem. (So I maybe should’ve made it a standalone comment)
As far as your second point is concerned—that’s true, unless we will face risk (again, and possibly more) at a later point. I agree with you that “crying wolf-effects” matter less or not at all under conditions where a problem is solved once and for all (unless it affects the credibility of a community which simultaneously works on other problems which remain unsolved, as is probably true of the EA community).
You’re right—my comment is addressing an additional problem. (So I maybe should’ve made it a standalone comment)
As far as your second point is concerned—that’s true, unless we will face risk (again, and possibly more) at a later point. I agree with you that “crying wolf-effects” matter less or not at all under conditions where a problem is solved once and for all (unless it affects the credibility of a community which simultaneously works on other problems which remain unsolved, as is probably true of the EA community).