[Question] Where are the actors who are trying to advance the development of nuclear energy in effective ways? Why don’t most people trying to advance the development of nuclear energy care about effectiveness?

There are obviously many companies or other organizations around the world which have been developing better nuclear reactors and related infrastructure for decades now. Yet millions of people have been complaining for decades that an excessive fears of a few rare, accidental meltdowns, or misinformation spread by much of the environmental movement, is the biggest barrier to the development of new nuclear reactors.

Yet almost none of those who care enough to complain don’t do anything other than complain. That’s not only ordinary people who don’t have the wherewithal to do anything but complain. So much journalism on the subject and other efforts seem to be focused on publicly criticizing setbacks to the development of new nuclear reactors as opposed to trying to solve the problem(s) any other way.

If it’s important for public or political perception of the status of nuclear energy to change, it doesn’t appear there are enough resources invested into public information or education campaigns to change public opinion. Almost never are mentioned what need there is for efforts to changing regulatory frameworks or economic barriers to developing nuclear energy.

Who are the actors undertaking those efforts? And why are they so rare?

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