when groups do work on these issues there is a tendency towards infighting.
Do you think this is a side effect of the-one-true-ontology issues?
Do you happen to know which conferences research results in this area tend to get presented at or which journals they tend to get published in? Could be useful to bootstrap from those networks. I’ve been tracing some citation chains from highly cited stat papers, but it’s very low signal to noise for meta-research vs esoteric statistical methods.
Do you think this is a side effect of the-one-true-ontology issues?
Do you happen to know which conferences research results in this area tend to get presented at or which journals they tend to get published in? Could be useful to bootstrap from those networks. I’ve been tracing some citation chains from highly cited stat papers, but it’s very low signal to noise for meta-research vs esoteric statistical methods.
I’ll try to think about this some more. It’s a good question.