Root out maximizers within yourself. Even ‘doing the most good.’ Maximizer processes are cancer, trying to convert the universe into copies of themselves. But this destroys anything that the maximizing was for.
Exploring Tacit Linked Premises with GPT
Cholesterol and Blood Pressure as Neglected Dietary Interventions?
Potentially of use in running a short workshop is the effectiveness of pedagogical techniques. From engaging with the literature on such, the highest quality systematic review I could find pointed to four techniques as showing robust effect size across many contexts and instantiations. They are
Deliberate practice
Cuing elaboration of context
Regular low stakes quizzing
Teaching the material to others
Lots of markets fail to clear for a long time until coordination problems are solved.
I propose that March 26th (6 months equidistant from Petrov day) be converse Petrov day.
Want to alleviate developing world poverty? Alleviate price risk. (2018)
in the long run yes. But that’s overly simplistic when considering humans because of all the things we might do to either memetically or technologically undermine evolutionary equilibria.
rK selection.
And later iirc “maybe not needing to hear their screams is what being the comet king means.”
In order for hingeyness to stay uniform robustness to x-risk would need to scale uniformly with power needed to cause x-risk.
In the same way that an organism tries to extend the envelope of its homeostasis, an organization has a tendency to isolate itself from falsifiability in its core justifying claims. Beware those whose response to failure is to scale up.
Suggestion that Zvi be awarded a prize for his COVID series
Towards measuring poverty costs of covid from economic disruption:
Thank you for the work put into this.
I can imagine a world in which the idea of a peace summit that doesn’t involve leaders taking mdma together is seen as an ‘are you even trying’ type thing.
Great points. I feel like there’s a rule of thumb somewhere in here like ‘marginal dollars tend to be low information dollars’ that feels helpful.
This portion of the PBS documentary A Century of Revolution covers the cultural revolution: (Around the 1 hour mark)
Recommended. One interesting bit for me is that I think foreign dictators often appear clownish because the translations don’t capture what they were speaking to, either literally in terms of them being a good speech writer, or contextually in terms of not really being familiar with the cultural context that animates a particular popular political reaction. I think this applies even if you speak nominally the same language as the dictator but don’t share their culture.
Appreciate the care taken, especially in the atomistic section. One thing is that it seems to assume that best we can do with such a research agenda is analyze correlates, where what we really want is a causal model.
You may be interested in this convo I had about research on pedagogical models. The tl;dw if you just want the interventions that have replicated with large effects sizes:
Deliberate practice
Lots of low stakes quizzing
Elaboration of context (deliberately structuring things to give students the chance to connect knowledge areas themselves)
Teaching the material to others (forcing organization of the material in a way helpful to the one doing the teaching, and helping them identify holes in their own understanding)