Not sure if this is the place to post but I’ll share.
I took the pledge about 6 years ago but I hesitated for years. I think my reasons then were:
(1) Legalism Pledges risk falling into “legalism” i.e. a habit of relying on specific commitments and stated duties at the expense of a broader, all-encompassing spirit of generosity.
(2) Low Anchor Related to (1), 10% sounded great but not so radical. Why set a lower bar for myself than I could handle? Speaking for myself, I thought then (and still do now) that I ought to be giving more than 10%. Plus, devout evangelical Christians in the US (one social group I encounter very frequently) already have a weak expectation that people give 10%. All that considered, I think the pledge was communicated that made it sound less radical and less exciting for 19-year-old me (I hadn’t heard of the giving further pledge).
(3) Religious ReasonsAgainst Sharing I was worried about “sounding the trumpet” and the possible social and spiritual negative effects of that. Quoting here a section of the Sermon on the Mount, one of Jesus’ most famous sermons: Matt 6:1-4 “Be careful not to do your `acts of righteousness’ before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” Although this contrasts with Matt 5:16 (“Let your light shine before others”). On the whole, I think contemporary American Christian protestants are less disposed to speak openly about their giving or make public pledges.
(4) Little Social Reinforcement/Encouragement/Support I wasn’t sure what the benefit was of pledging on paper to an online community (unfair, but that’s how GWWC seemed to me 8 years ago. Fortunately, I’ve since met tons of GWWC people by way of 1-on-1 calls and EA conferences.)
Why I took the pledge:
For reference, I mostly give to GiveWell-recommended global health and poverty charities. I think my pledge saves (in expectation) several lives a year, or accomplishes some roughly equivalent amount of a good thing. Basically, I started to feel guilty that if I didn’t take the pledge or talk about giving, fewer people would give to GiveWell and fewer lives would be saved. That cost seemed far greater than my moral scruples about protecting my motivations.
I also just met a bunch more pledgetakers who were giving over 10%. It became more socially normal and the low anchor point started to matter to me less.
One thing I always find so interesting is the contrast between people who are in a culture where giving 10% seems normal (and maybe therefore unnecessary or less valuable to take a pledge) and people who are in a culture where it seems extreme!
The comment about community is also really interesting—hopefully we’re addressing this over time and making it easier to connect with this global community!
Not sure if this is the place to post but I’ll share.
I took the pledge about 6 years ago but I hesitated for years. I think my reasons then were:
(1) Legalism
Pledges risk falling into “legalism” i.e. a habit of relying on specific commitments and stated duties at the expense of a broader, all-encompassing spirit of generosity.
(2) Low Anchor
Related to (1), 10% sounded great but not so radical. Why set a lower bar for myself than I could handle? Speaking for myself, I thought then (and still do now) that I ought to be giving more than 10%. Plus, devout evangelical Christians in the US (one social group I encounter very frequently) already have a weak expectation that people give 10%. All that considered, I think the pledge was communicated that made it sound less radical and less exciting for 19-year-old me (I hadn’t heard of the giving further pledge).
(3) Religious Reasons Against Sharing
I was worried about “sounding the trumpet” and the possible social and spiritual negative effects of that. Quoting here a section of the Sermon on the Mount, one of Jesus’ most famous sermons: Matt 6:1-4 “Be careful not to do your `acts of righteousness’ before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” Although this contrasts with Matt 5:16 (“Let your light shine before others”). On the whole, I think contemporary American Christian protestants are less disposed to speak openly about their giving or make public pledges.
(4) Little Social Reinforcement/Encouragement/Support
I wasn’t sure what the benefit was of pledging on paper to an online community (unfair, but that’s how GWWC seemed to me 8 years ago. Fortunately, I’ve since met tons of GWWC people by way of 1-on-1 calls and EA conferences.)
Why I took the pledge:
For reference, I mostly give to GiveWell-recommended global health and poverty charities. I think my pledge saves (in expectation) several lives a year, or accomplishes some roughly equivalent amount of a good thing. Basically, I started to feel guilty that if I didn’t take the pledge or talk about giving, fewer people would give to GiveWell and fewer lives would be saved. That cost seemed far greater than my moral scruples about protecting my motivations.
I also just met a bunch more pledgetakers who were giving over 10%. It became more socially normal and the low anchor point started to matter to me less.
Thanks, JD! I think this is really useful!
One thing I always find so interesting is the contrast between people who are in a culture where giving 10% seems normal (and maybe therefore unnecessary or less valuable to take a pledge) and people who are in a culture where it seems extreme!
The comment about community is also really interesting—hopefully we’re addressing this over time and making it easier to connect with this global community!