Is stealing billions of deposits from your customers “effective altruism” ? You people claiming to be “effective altruists” always end up being the most messed up and predatory . No honour . How can you trust the kind of people who happily let their wife get screwed by other men because it “increases utility? spiritually sick people.
This comment violates the Forum’s norms by being extremely rude, aggressive, and off-topic. It is inappropriate for the Forum. We’re banning michaelroberts for one month, and will expect the user to follow our norms to a high standard should they return (or they will be banned permanently — this is a bad start to their engagement with the Forum).
I’m not sure why I don’t see any answers to your questions. I would say (1) the community consensus is very clear that stealing billions is not “effective altruism”; (2) most EAs think that people with non-traditional sexual relationships can still be good people, which is not an opinion limited to EAs; and (3) we’re not generally messed up, predatory or dishonorable. But don’t take my word for it—try giving thousands of dollars to save children from malaria, or stop global warming, as I have, and see how predatory and dishonorable it makes you. I think you’ll find it actually doesn’t make you any worse than you were before.
Is stealing billions of deposits from your customers “effective altruism” ? You people claiming to be “effective altruists” always end up being the most messed up and predatory . No honour . How can you trust the kind of people who happily let their wife get screwed by other men because it “increases utility? spiritually sick people.
This comment violates the Forum’s norms by being extremely rude, aggressive, and off-topic. It is inappropriate for the Forum. We’re banning michaelroberts for one month, and will expect the user to follow our norms to a high standard should they return (or they will be banned permanently — this is a bad start to their engagement with the Forum).
did that hit too close to home? judging from the number of votes it looks like it did. It should. Sort yourselves out, you sick people.
I’m not sure why I don’t see any answers to your questions. I would say (1) the community consensus is very clear that stealing billions is not “effective altruism”; (2) most EAs think that people with non-traditional sexual relationships can still be good people, which is not an opinion limited to EAs; and (3) we’re not generally messed up, predatory or dishonorable. But don’t take my word for it—try giving thousands of dollars to save children from malaria, or stop global warming, as I have, and see how predatory and dishonorable it makes you. I think you’ll find it actually doesn’t make you any worse than you were before.