One source of information for this might be the 2019 EA Survey, which analyzed self-reported data for about 2500 EAs. Our prior analysis found that EAs in the survey reported total donations of $16.1M USD in 2018.
We didn’t report raw income data, but it looks like the sum of self-reported annual income in our EA Survey sample is $116M USD.
Of course this is likely a large underestimate of the total financial firepower of EA …for one, it ignores OpenPhil, which donates tens of millions of dollars a year and has the capacity to donate much more
...for two, there are probably another several tens of millions in annual donations by high net worth individuals who affiliate with EA somewhat but don’t fill out the EA Survey, though if you keep looking into this eventually though you will get into difficult debates about who counts as EA or not.
One source of information for this might be the 2019 EA Survey, which analyzed self-reported data for about 2500 EAs. Our prior analysis found that EAs in the survey reported total donations of $16.1M USD in 2018.
We didn’t report raw income data, but it looks like the sum of self-reported annual income in our EA Survey sample is $116M USD.
Of course this is likely a large underestimate of the total financial firepower of EA …for one, it ignores OpenPhil, which donates tens of millions of dollars a year and has the capacity to donate much more
...for two, there are probably another several tens of millions in annual donations by high net worth individuals who affiliate with EA somewhat but don’t fill out the EA Survey, though if you keep looking into this eventually though you will get into difficult debates about who counts as EA or not.