A Soothing Frontend for the Effective Altruism Forum

Link post


forum.nunosempere.com is a frontend for the Effective Altruism Forum. It aims to present EA Forum posts in a way which I personally find soothing. It achieves that that goal at the cost of restricted functionality—like not being able to make or upvote comments and posts.



This forum frontend has a frontpage at forum.nunosempere.com/​frontpage. It displays the latest posts in chronological order, and looks like this:

Recent comments

This forum frontend has a page showing the latest comments at forum.nunosempere.com/​comments. It displays the latest comments in chronological order, together with their optional parent comment, and looks like this:


Like the EA forum, this frontend has an endpoint for posts at:

https://​​forum.nunosempere.com/​​posts/​​[post id]/​[optional post slug]

An example post—chosen to be a link post so that you can see both the article and the comments—looks like this:

RSS feed

This frontend has an rss endpoint at forum.nunosempere.com/​feed: it piggybacks off the ea.greaterwrong.com RSS feed, fetching and reprocessing it every five mins.

Further notes

  • Clicking on an article’s or on a comment’s timestamp directs to their location on the original EA Forum. This is useful, for example, to go to the original forum to leave a comment.

  • My usecase is just being subscribed via rss (using newsboat), and displaying forum posts which interest me in this new frontend.

  • Other EA Forum alternatives known to me are ea.greaterwrong.com and eaforum.issarice.com.

  • This frontend takes around half a second to load. The regular EA Forum takes around 5 seconds.