Looking to hear others experience on monetizing a hobby to donate earnings and how they’ve kept with it!
I was looking for ways to combine my love for gaming and charity. Back in 2020, I streamed games on Twitch for a few months to get donations for Malaria Consortium. Over the months, I only got a $5.
Then, I decided to do a Holiday fundraiser by streaming a scary video game for a week and sent it to all my friends and family. I raised around $650! It was amazing and got emotional during the last stream of it.
I continued streaming after that but I got burnt out with lack of viewers/money donations. It was then I preferred to game by myself and not to an audience.
After that, I blogged about video games on a website for a few months last year that pays in cryptocurrency and have made around $65 worth in USD. I’m thinking about taking it up again as I stopped due to life/work bandwidth.
[Question] Anyone tried to monetize a hobby with the intent of ETG?
Looking to hear others experience on monetizing a hobby to donate earnings and how they’ve kept with it!
I was looking for ways to combine my love for gaming and charity. Back in 2020, I streamed games on Twitch for a few months to get donations for Malaria Consortium. Over the months, I only got a $5.
Then, I decided to do a Holiday fundraiser by streaming a scary video game for a week and sent it to all my friends and family. I raised around $650! It was amazing and got emotional during the last stream of it.
I continued streaming after that but I got burnt out with lack of viewers/money donations. It was then I preferred to game by myself and not to an audience.
After that, I blogged about video games on a website for a few months last year that pays in cryptocurrency and have made around $65 worth in USD. I’m thinking about taking it up again as I stopped due to life/work bandwidth.