Hi AmAristizábal, I am personally interested in donating to effective charities in Colombia and wondering if you happen to know of any assessments that have been done within the country to determine the most effective charities from an EA standpoint?
Hi AmAristizábal, I am personally interested in donating to effective charities in Colombia and wondering if you happen to know of any assessments that have been done within the country to determine the most effective charities from an EA standpoint?
many thanks,
Thanks for your message. Sadly we don’t have very good answers to this question yet but I can send some resources that can be useful:
-You can contact Andres Gomez who is starting a charity evaluator in Colombia: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andresfelipegomez/?originalSubdomain=co
-Open Philanthropy has recommended Sinergia Animal in the past as a potential impactful cause in many south american countries, including Colombia: https://www.openphilanthropy.org/focus/us-policy/farm-animal-welfare/sinergia-animal-corporate-cage-free-campaigns
-If you’re not committed to Colombia in particular, Brazil has its version of Givewell: https://doebem.org.br/
-If you want to be more involved in EA in Colombia and start new projects feel free to send me a message :) Also you’re welcome to join the Spanish Speaking EA group on Slack where there are lots of new initiatives to find impactful causes in South America: https://join.slack.com/t/altruismo-eficaz/shared_invite/zt-9dcv7eki-jrN6GerS0NAI~97RH4dB2A
I’m looking forward to know more about your interests :)
Amazing thanks so much! I will drop you a message now.