Ah, sorry, that makes sense. I can also try to give one example where someone dies permanently. For all else to be equal, we can consider 2 situations where only one person is alive at any given time (such that there are no effects on other persons):
Word A contains 1 person who lives for 100 years with mean annual utility of 10.
World B contains:
1 person X who lives for 50 years with mean annual utility of 10, and then instantly dies.
1 person Y who is instantly created when person X instantly dies, and then lives for 50 years with mean annual utility of 10.
Both worlds have utility of 1 k, and feel equally valuable to me.
Ah, sorry, that makes sense. I can also try to give one example where someone dies permanently. For all else to be equal, we can consider 2 situations where only one person is alive at any given time (such that there are no effects on other persons):
Word A contains 1 person who lives for 100 years with mean annual utility of 10.
World B contains:
1 person X who lives for 50 years with mean annual utility of 10, and then instantly dies.
1 person Y who is instantly created when person X instantly dies, and then lives for 50 years with mean annual utility of 10.
Both worlds have utility of 1 k, and feel equally valuable to me.