this is really cool! i’m excited to watch the forecasting community grow, and for a greater number of impactful forecasting projects to be built.
We are as of yet uncertain about the most promising type of project in the forecasting focus area, and we will likely fund a variety of different approaches … we plan to continue exploring the most plausible theories of change for forecasting.
i’m curious what you’re currently excited about (specific projects, broad topic areas, etc). what is OP’s theory of change for how forecasting can be most impactful? what sorts of things would you be most excited to see happen?
on the flipside, if — 1/5/20 years from now — we look back and realize that forecasting wasn’t so impactful, why do you think that would be the case?
this is really cool! i’m excited to watch the forecasting community grow, and for a greater number of impactful forecasting projects to be built.
i’m curious what you’re currently excited about (specific projects, broad topic areas, etc). what is OP’s theory of change for how forecasting can be most impactful? what sorts of things would you be most excited to see happen?
on the flipside, if — 1/5/20 years from now — we look back and realize that forecasting wasn’t so impactful, why do you think that would be the case?