Thank you for sharing your comment with us. We have considered it in our analysis, but we cannot confirm the accuracy of the morbidity and mortality ratios we have used. We may be able to provide the exact calculation next week, if time permits. It is worth noting that we have assumed that semi-urban areas may be a significant contributor to mortality. These areas differ from Gulu in two important ways—they are more rural and have more water bodies, and they are less developed, which means they may have fewer clinics.
Thank you for sharing your comment with us. We have considered it in our analysis, but we cannot confirm the accuracy of the morbidity and mortality ratios we have used. We may be able to provide the exact calculation next week, if time permits. It is worth noting that we have assumed that semi-urban areas may be a significant contributor to mortality. These areas differ from Gulu in two important ways—they are more rural and have more water bodies, and they are less developed, which means they may have fewer clinics.
Nice one.
I’m not even sure how much really clear data there is on rural towns vs. rural areas not in town. It’s a tricky one for sure.