Yeah I get that it’s difficult to explain these intuitions, I was struggling in my original comment a lot too.
I meant to say that the study saying women were happier than men despite having fewer options perhaps doesn’t capture what I value. They might be happier in the narrow, convential way happiness is defined but not in the broad way I define happiness (mental states you prefer being in). But I could be wrong about this.
I don’t have much to say about the rest of your comment other than that I think it’s interesting.
Yeah I get that it’s difficult to explain these intuitions, I was struggling in my original comment a lot too.
I meant to say that the study saying women were happier than men despite having fewer options perhaps doesn’t capture what I value. They might be happier in the narrow, convential way happiness is defined but not in the broad way I define happiness (mental states you prefer being in). But I could be wrong about this.
I don’t have much to say about the rest of your comment other than that I think it’s interesting.