Selected Forum posts (Lizka)

This is a selection of posts that weren’t written with my “Content Specialist” hat explicitly on (although some were written on CEA time and were informed by my experience on the Forum). See also the editions of the EA Newsletter that I wrote here (starting March 2022).

In­visi­ble im­pact loss (and why we can be too er­ror-averse)

Disen­tan­gling “Im­prov­ing In­sti­tu­tional De­ci­sion-Mak­ing”

EA should taboo “EA should”

Be­ware safety-washing

Hu­man­i­ties Re­search Ideas for Longtermists

Against “longter­mist” as an identity

Prob­lems with free ser­vices for EA projects

Sum­mary and Take­aways: Han­son’s “Shall We Vote on Values, But Bet on Beliefs?”

Is­sues with Futarchy

Notes on im­pos­tor syndrome

EA & “The cor­rect re­sponse to un­cer­tainty is *not* half-speed”

Na­tive lan­guages in the EA com­mu­nity (and is­sues with as­sess­ing promis­ing­ness)

Notes on how I want to han­dle criticism

Are there dis­ec­onomies of scale in the rep­u­ta­tion of com­mu­ni­ties?

The state of AI in differ­ent coun­tries — an overview

Cel­e­brat­ing Ben­jamin Lay (died on this day 265 years ago)

Fo­cus­ing on bad crit­i­cism is dan­ger­ous to your epistemics

RAND re­port finds no effect of cur­rent LLMs on vi­a­bil­ity of bioter­ror­ism attacks

2023: news on AI safety, an­i­mal welfare, global health, and more

Notes on not tak­ing the GWWC pledge (yet)