The Farm Animal Welfare Newsletter

Update: This sequence is no longer being updated. You can see more recent issues of the newsletter here.

Lewis Bollard, who leads Open Philanthropy’s strategy for animal welfare, writes an excellent newsletter on various related topics. This sequence will update whenever a new edition of the newsletter comes out.

Lewis requested that we publish the newsletter posts under the EA Forum Archives account rather than his own account, so that people know he may not see any comments they make.

This is why we can’t have nice laws

A year of wins for farmed animals

Linkpost: Big Wins for Farm An­i­mals This Decade

Ten Big Wins for Farm An­i­mals in 2021

An End to Cages in Europe?

The Promise and Per­ils of In­sect Farming

If we build it, will they come?

Seven Big Wins for Farm An­i­mals in 2020

What could a Bi­den Ad­minis­tra­tion mean for farm an­i­mals?

Poli­ti­cal Op­por­tu­ni­ties for Farm An­i­mals in Europe

How to Lower the Price of Plant-Based Meat

The US Meat Sup­ply Crisis

10 Years of Progress for Farm Animals

Why Is Meat So Cheap?

What can we learn from the fur-free fight?

Will com­pa­nies make good on cage-free pledges?

An­i­mal agri­cul­ture and cli­mate change

Im­pact in­vest­ing for farm animals

Gen­der equity in the farmed an­i­mal movement

How can you do the most good for an­i­mals?

The 2018 elec­tions and farm animals

The war on an­i­mal product alternatives

How much should we fo­cus on slaugh­ter?

What’s up with the King Amend­ment?