EA Survey 2022

The Effective Altruism Survey is an annual survey of the effective altruism community. The survey is conducted by Rethink Priorities, which also publishes detailed analyses of the survey data. This is the sequence for the 2022 EA Survey series.

The complete series will include posts on: Demographics, How People Get Involved in EA, Cause Prioritisation, Community Information, and Geography, in addition to some possible supplementary posts.

EA Sur­vey 2022: Demographics

EA Sur­vey 2022: How Peo­ple Get In­volved in EA

EA Sur­vey 2022: Geography

EA Sur­vey 2022: Com­mu­nity Satis­fac­tion, Re­ten­tion, and Men­tal Health

EA Sur­vey 2022: What Helps Peo­ple Have an Im­pact and Con­nect with Other EAs

EA Sur­vey: Cause Prioritization