Winners of the First Decade Review

Re­sults from the First Decade Review

Growth and the case against ran­domista development

Effec­tive Altru­ism is a Ques­tion (not an ide­ol­ogy)

500 Million, But Not A Sin­gle One More

Be­ware sur­pris­ing and sus­pi­cious convergence

On Caring

What is the like­li­hood that civ­i­liza­tional col­lapse would di­rectly lead to hu­man ex­tinc­tion (within decades)?

How bad would nu­clear win­ter caused by a US-Rus­sia nu­clear ex­change be?

Re­duc­ing long-term risks from malev­olent actors

Are we liv­ing at the most in­fluen­tial time in his­tory?

We are in triage ev­ery sec­ond of ev­ery day

After one year of ap­ply­ing for EA jobs: It is re­ally, re­ally hard to get hired by an EA organisation

Why Char­i­ties Usu­ally Don’t Differ Astro­nom­i­cally in Ex­pected Cost-Effectiveness

You have more than one goal, and that’s fine

Peter Singer – Famine, Affluence, and Morality