Moving In Step With One Another

How can we have a caring, high-context communtiy with the least effort possible?

The aim is to provide tractable solutions to high impact community infrastructure problems, justified with research and models.

This sequence talks about:

  • Lowering the barriers to gaining more understanding

  • Showing community members higher value content

Sum­maries are underrated

Im­prov­ing Karma: $8mn of pos­si­ble value (my es­ti­mate)

What we are for? Com­mu­nity, Cor­rec­tion and Scale [wip]

Com­mu­nity posts: The Fo­rum needs a way to work in public

The fo­rum should sup­port live estimation

Mov­ing in step with one another

This post is a Work-In-Progress

Arm­chair ex­per­tise is good

Schisms are bad, ac­tu­ally: Com­mu­nity break­down sucks

Ships don’t have rud­ders everywhere