3. Radical Empathy

Should we care about non-human animals? We’ll show how it can be important to care impartially, rather than ignoring weird topics or unusual beneficiaries. We’ll also give you some ideas for how we could improve the lives of animals that suffer in factory farms.

1. Introduction

Rad­i­cal empathy

2. Impartiality and radical empathy

Rad­i­cal Empathy

Mo­ral progress and “Cause X”

The Pos­si­bil­ity of an On­go­ing Mo­ral Catas­tro­phe (Sum­mary)

On “fringe” ideas

4. The case for caring about animal welfare

Fac­tory Farm­ing – 80,000 Hours Prob­lem Profile

5. Strategies for improving animal welfare

An­i­mal Ad­vo­cacy Ca­reers (Web­site to ex­plore)

6. Exercise (10 mins.)

[Question] Ex­er­cise for ‘Rad­i­cal Em­pa­thy’

7. More to explore

More to ex­plore on ‘Rad­i­cal Em­pa­thy’

Ex­plore jobs in an­i­mal welfare

Ex­plore high-im­pact giv­ing for animals