EA Public Interest Tech—Career Reviews

This is a collection of posts about how to use your tech skills to make the greatest difference, including career and cause area profiles.

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Soft­ware en­g­ineer­ing—Ca­reer review

80,000 Hours ca­reer re­view: In­for­ma­tion se­cu­rity in high-im­pact areas

Why EA needs Oper­a­tions Re­search: the sci­ence of de­ci­sion making

AI Safety Needs Great Engineers

Amanda Askell: AI safety needs so­cial scientists

A be­gin­ner data sci­en­tist tries her hand at biosecurity

In­for­ma­tion se­cu­rity ca­reers for GCR reduction

In­for­ma­tion se­cu­rity con­sid­er­a­tions for AI and the long term future

Writ­ing about my job: Soft­ware Eng­ineer at Wave

Writ­ing about my job: Data Scientist