2. Differences in impact

Around 700 million people still live in poverty, mostly in low-income countries. Efforts to help them—by policy reform, cash transfers, or provision of health services—can be incredibly effective.

Alongside investigating this issue, we also discuss how much more effective some interventions are than others, and we introduce a simple tool for estimating important figures.

1. Introduction

Differ­ences in impact

2. ITN framework

A frame­work for com­par­ing global prob­lems in terms of ex­pected impact

2. Differences in impact

Com­par­ing char­i­ties: How big is the differ­ence?

3. Thinking on the Margin

Marginal Impact

5. Fermi estimation

The second post is an example of a Fermi estimate.

Fermi Estimate

The num­ber of seabirds and sea mam­mals kil­led by marine plas­tic pol­lu­tion is quite small rel­a­tive to the catch of fish

6. Background data on global health and poverty

Global eco­nomic inequality

7. EA strategies for addressing global poverty

In “GiveWell’s “Giving 101″ guide”, click through to “next” at the bottom of each page, about 15 mins., but feel free to explore the rest of the site.

In “Global Health”, read only the intro and one of the chapters under “Health Outcomes” (10 mins.)

Note that these are just examples of interventions that EAs have been working on—there are many more in the “More to Explore” section.

GiveWell’s “Giv­ing 101” guide

Global health

In­tro­duc­ing LEEP: Lead Ex­po­sure Elimi­na­tion Project

8. Exercise (20 mins.)

[Question] Ex­er­cise for ‘Differ­ences in Im­pact’

9. More to explore

More to ex­plore on ‘Differ­ences in Im­pact’