Cen­tre for Long-Term Resilience

TagLast edit: Sep 14, 2023, 4:27 PM by Dane Valerie

The Centre for Long-Term Resilience (CLTR) is an independent think tank with a mission to transform global resilience to extreme risks. It works with governments and other institutions to improve relevant governance, processes, and decision-making.

CLTR focuses on two areas of risk where effective governance today could substantially mitigate both current and future threats:

Artificial intelligence (AI), including risks arising from unethical uses of AI, from AI systems behaving in unintended ways in high-stakes domains, and from the broader impacts of AI on the economy and society.

Biosecurity, including risks arising from naturally occurring pandemics, laboratory leaks, bioweapons and ‘dual-use’ research (advances that can be used for harm as well as good).

CLTR also focuses on Risk Management more broadly — the process of both transforming risk governance, and of identifying, assessing and mitigating all extreme risks.

It helps governments and other institutions transform resilience to extreme risks by:


In August 2023 Founders Pledge published a profile on the Centre for Long-Term Resilience, recommending them as a funding option.

As of June 2022, the Centre for Long-Term Resilience has received over $2.8 million in funding from the Survival and Flourishing Fund,[1][2][3] and $100,000 from the EA Infrastructure Fund.[4]

CLTR’s 2022 Annual Report[5] also refers to over £1 million from a private foundation (focused primarily on impact investing, the promotion of social responsibility and making grants that benefit low and middle-income countries). It also mentions $100,000 from The Powoki Foundation (which focuses on safeguarding humanity from global challenges, such as safely navigating synthetic biology and advanced artificial intelligence).

Further reading

Ord, Toby, Angus Mercer & Sophie Dannreuther (2021) Future proof: The opportunity to transform the UK’s resilience to extreme risks, June, The Centre for Long-Term Resilience.

External links

Centre for Long-Term Resilience. Official website.

  1. ^

    Survival and Flourishing Fund (2020) SFF-2021-H1 S-process recommendations announcement, Survival and Flourishing Fund.

  2. ^

    Survival and Flourishing Fund (2020) SFF-2021-H2 S-process recommendations announcement, Survival and Flourishing Fund.

  3. ^

    Survival and Flourishing Fund (2021) SFF-2022-H1 S-Process recommendations announcement, Survival and Flourishing Fund.

  4. ^

    Effective Altruism Infrastructure Fund (2021) May 2021: EA Infrastructure Fund grants, Effective Altruism Funds, May.

  5. ^

    Center for Long-Term Resilience. (2022). Annual Report 2022. https://​​​​post/​​annual-report-2022

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