Co­op­er­a­tive AI Foundation

TagLast edit: 22 Jul 2022 19:15 UTC by Leo

The Cooperative AI Foundation (CAIF) is a nonprofit organization that seeks to support research with the potential to “improve the cooperative intelligence of advanced AI for the benefit of all humanity.”[1]

CAIF was established with a $15 million grant from the Center for Emerging Risk Research (now Polaris Ventures).[2] It plans to use this endowment to make grants and scholarships, organize workshops and seminar series, and engage in other activities that contribute to its mission.[3]

Further reading

Dafoe, Allan et al. (2021) Cooperative AI: Machines must learn to find common ground, Nature, May 4.

External links

Cooperative AI Foundation. Official website.

Related entries

artificial intelligence | Center for Emerging Risk Research | cooperative AI | moral cooperation

  1. ^

    Cooperative AI Foundation (2021) Foundation, Cooperative AI Foundation.

  2. ^

    Center for Emerging Risk Research (2021) Commitment to fund the Cooperative AI Foundation, Center for Emerging Risk Research.

  3. ^

    Dafoe, Allan et al. (2021) Cooperative AI: Machines must learn to find common ground, Nature, May 4.

Refer the Co­op­er­a­tive AI Foun­da­tion’s New COO, Re­ceive $5000

Lewis Hammond16 Jun 2022 13:27 UTC
42 points
0 comments3 min readEA link

Stack­elberg Games and Co­op­er­a­tive Com­mit­ment: My Thoughts and Reflec­tions on a 2-Month Re­search Project

Ben Bucknall13 Dec 2021 10:49 UTC
18 points
1 comment9 min readEA link

[Job] Manag­ing Direc­tor at the Co­op­er­a­tive AI Foun­da­tion ($5000 Refer­ral Bonus)

Lewis Hammond3 Jul 2023 16:02 UTC
31 points
0 comments1 min readEA link
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