High Im­pact Ath­letes (or­ga­ni­za­tion)

TagLast edit: Jul 19, 2022, 5:00 PM by Leo

High Impact Athletes (HIA) is a nonprofit that spreads the ideas of effective altruism among professional athletes and encourages them to pledge to donate a percentage of their income to effective charities.


HIA was founded in 2020 by Marcus Daniell, an Olympic bronze medallist tennis player from New Zealand. Daniell is also HIA’s executive director.


As of July 2022, HIA has received $350,000 in funding from the Future Fund,[1] and $110,000 from Effective Altruism Funds.[2]

Further reading

Daniell, Marcus (2020) Introducing High Impact Athletes, Effective Altruism Forum, November 30.

Righetti, Luca & Fin Moorhouse (2021) Marcus Daniell on High Impact Athletes, communicating EA, and the purpose of sport, Hear This Idea, February 8.

External links

High-Impact Athletes. Official website.

Related entries

donation pledge | High Impact Medicine | Raising for Effective Giving

  1. ^

    Future Fund (2022) Our grants and investments: High Impact Athletes, Future Fund.

  2. ^

    Effective Altruism Infrastructure Fund (2021) May 2021: EA Infrastructure Fund grants, Effective Altruism Funds, May.

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