Move­ment collapse

TagLast edit: Mar 31, 2023, 2:17 PM by Pablo

Movement collapse is the process through which social or intellectual movements, including the effective altruism movement, can become extinct or lose most of their potential. Movement resilience is a movement’s ability to resist or recover from collapse.

Further reading

Aird, Michael (2020) Collection of EA analyses of how social social movements rise, fall, can be influential, etc., Effective Altruism Forum, March 26.
Many additional resources on this topic or related topics.

Baron, Rebecca (2019) Movement collapse scenarios, Effective Altruism Forum, August 27.

Sempere, Nuño (2019) Why do social movements fail: two concrete examples, Effective Altruism Forum, October 4.

Related entries

building effective altruism | civilizational collapse | social and intellectual movements | value drift | value of movement growth

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