Vik­tor Zhdanov

TagLast edit: Mar 17, 2022, 2:26 PM by Pablo

Viktor Mikhailovich Zhdanov (13 February 1914 – 14 July 1987) was a Ukrainian virologist who played a key role in the Smallpox Eradication Programme. Some people in the effective altruism community, including Gordon Irlam and William MacAskill, have argued that Zhdanov has done more good for humanity than any other individual in history.[1][2]

In 2020, Zhdanov and William Foege were awarded the Future of Life Award.[3]

Further reading

Bukrinskaya, Alice (1991) In memory of Victor Zhdanov, Archives of Virology, vol. 121, pp. 237–240.

Dattani, Saloni (2020) The story of Viktor Zhdanov, Works in Progress, August 28.

Irlam, Gordon (2012) In praise of Viktor Zhdanov, 80,000 Hours, February 23.

Related entries

Smallpox Eradication Programme

  1. ^

    Irlam, Gordon (2012) In praise of Viktor Zhdanov, 80,000 Hours, February 23.

  2. ^

    Macaskill, William (2015) The best person who ever lived is an unknown Ukrainian man, Boing Boing, July 30.

  3. ^

    Future of Life Institute (2020) Future of Life Award 2020, Future of Life Institute, November 16.

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