Euro­pean Sum­mer Pro­gram on Rationality

TagLast edit: Jul 16, 2022, 6:00 PM by Leo

The European Summer Program on Rationality (ESPR) is “an immersive summer workshop for mathematically talented students with a desire to understand themselves and the world. [...] Past participants include International Math Olympiad gold medalists, web entrepreneurs, and student researchers. ESPR orginated as EuroSPARC, which was modeled after its American equivalent, SPARC.”[1]


As of July 2022, ESPR has received $510,000 in funding from Open Philanthropy.[2]

Further reading

Open Philanthropy (2017) Center for Applied Rationality — European Summer Program on Rationality, Open Philanthropy, September.

External links

European Summer Program on Rationality. Official website.

Apply for ESPR.

Related entries

building effective altruism | CaSPAR | Center for Applied Rationality | effective altruism education | rationality | rationality community | research training programs | SPARC

  1. ^

    European Summer Program on Rationality (2021) What is ESPR, ESPR.

  2. ^

    Open Philanthropy (2022) Grants database: European Summer Program on Rationality, Open Philanthropy.

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