Thank you for this clarification. I certainly thought that there are dedicated volnuteers.
Please let me know how to delete my question so other volunteers don’t have to respond. And just to clarify my question was’t whether capitalism is the root of all evil, this was just the title. But anyway thank you for your time and directions. I will read around in the EA about this topic and make up my own mind. Thanks again.
Thanks again for your response. I didn’t know that only volunteers in EA respond to these questions. I did not ask the question to get a clear answer, I asked it to see what people think (as in a form of discussion). I thought anyone can see these question not only volunteers. So I apologies for wasting anyone’s time.
Also this downvoting made me question whether I understand what is the purpose of the forum? Isn’t it for people to discuss issues related to EA? Or is it only to agree on what the EA say? I don’t see how my question gave the impression that I haven’t thought about the question? You the topic of capitalism a bit sensitive here?
Thanks for your response. Of course Capitalism is not the root of all evil! I was just being dramatic in my title, I didn’t think people will take literary. It seems like this topic is a bit sensitive.
Thanks for your response. Yes, I did look at the systematic change area, albeit quite quickly. I also read Singer’s response in the live you can save, I thought that his response wasn’t convincing. So I thought I wonder what people think in this forum. Thank you for the Capitalism article, I’ll have a read.
Actually maybe they do charge me if I did non UK transaction. Thanks for making me aware!
Thanks Aaron.
I will pay from my visa debt card and they don’t charge me for transactions, so it should be fine.
Thanks Alexrjl!
I think I will pay monthly to start with.
Thank you very much for this! I certainly got the impression that this topic is a bit sensitive here.
You are right, I could have given an argument or asked the question in a different way- although I did write under the title the question that I really wanted to ask, don’t know if that showed up to people. If it did, I am surprised why no one focused on that rather than the title. For me Capitalism is the cause or one of the biggest contributors or the maintainer to many of the issues we are facing, Global poverty and climate change to name a few. To not focus resources to find alternative (rather than just say there is not one now) is difficult to understand for me.
Thank you for being open minded. In terms of factory farming and capitalism, can I ask you if you don’t think that factory farming came as a result of capitalism? And wether countries with less developed capitalist systems (if you even can call them capitalists) have less animal suffering?