Thanks for your comments, Kestrel, and your response, David (and apologies for not replying at the time). Agree that psychodynamic theory may have some relevance to the concepts we’re talking about, and agree that the SWAP looks interesting!
Describing the SWAP wouldn’t quite have fit with the goals of this piece, since it wasn’t used in the large studies we cited here, and since it focuses on making clinical diagnoses (whereas our focus is on specific traits of concern to the long-term future—we give more details about this distinction in our appendices). But it definitely seems like the SWAP would have relevance in some contexts, and like David mentioned, there’s already a National Security Edition. Your idea to develop more scalable versions of such a tool sounds fascinating, Kestrel. Thank you so much again for your engagement with our piece and for the helpful ideas here!
Thank you again for your compassionate commitment to helping others, Marie! Thank you for applying your intelligence, genuine kindness, drive, and open-mindedness in the service of inspiring and leading Hi-Med, and thank you for giving your team so much support and autonomy. I’m extremely grateful to have been on your team and learning from and with you all this time. (I know I and others said similar things on Slack, but I think it really can’t be emphasised enough!) Wherever you work, they’ll be lucky you’re on their team!