Hi Angelina Li, a big thanks for pointing out the issues with the hyperlinks
Hi Yonatan Cale thank you very much for your feedback and you’re kind words, I will certainly take this on board going forward.
Hi jwpieters,
On your first point—we sincerely apologise for some of the errors in our copywriting. As I mentioned in my response to Moritz von Knebel, we’ve had some discussions based on this feedback to ensure this will not be a problem in the future.
To your second point—this is also something we’ve had some internal discussion about. In principle, we’d love to display the names of the orgs we are working with, but we are still trying to work out how to approach this logistically. Our current approach is in line with the standard practice amongst recruitment firms—the name of an organisation is typically not shown in job ads since firms want potential candidates to interact with them during the recruitment process. We aim to convey enough information within our job ads so that potential candidates clearly understand the mission of the organisation they are applying for. Again, I appreciate some of our copywriting may have been subpar here—this will not be an issue in the future.
To address your third point—the roles we recruit for have varying degrees of seniority. Our function is to serve any organisation as per their individual needs—you’d be surprised how difficult and time-consuming it can be for some orgs to hire for even junior positions.
Hi Moritz von Knebel,
On the mistake you cited in our automated email—a huge apology from the team to you and the EA community. I can assure you that no intentional ‘deceit’ was involved, this was an honest mistake by one of our team members. Still, I appreciate the sentiment that this could be considered harmful misinformation, and we’re extremely sorry about that.Based on this, we’ve had some internal discussions, and we’ve implemented a new policy whereby our outreach manager will review all of our written content before it is released to ensure that a mistake like this does not happen again.
A big thanks to everyone who commented on the post; we really appreciate all the feedback. Please feel free to leave any further thoughts on our project in the comment section or to reach out to me directly via finn@altruistic-careers.com.