George Lanetz

Karma: 3

My dream is to unite my hobby and work—work in EA as a system analyst or a science manager. One thing that is left—learn the missing skills and persuade you to hire me without paying an arm and a leg and a life to get higher education in the field.

I’m from Odessa, Ukraine, so you may understand why I didn’t believe in the curriculum of the universities that were available to me. Also, I still can’t choose the right field.

I had some success in designing business processes—I just looked at them as if they were programs in natural language and had to be compiled on people. I’d like to do more of that, create an organization that is a frictionless meld between people, processes, and technology.

Street Episte­mol­ogy (EA Shenani­gans) - please RSVP

Milli🔸Jan 7, 2023, 4:39 PM
5 points
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