Hi! First of all, I’m from the Web 3.0 part of the Internet. To me that means Tumblr circa 2020, give or take two years. Secondly, welcome (back) to the Human Family. Thirdly, I’m a happy member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Not because every other member has treated me well, but because our canon makes good sense to me. (It is, after all, what gave me my transhumanist streak.)
Most of my online presence for the past seven years has been on Sufficient Velocity. Since then, I’ve been trying to diversify, since I’ve only just noticed how hidebound and uncharitable I’ve grown.
My next megaproject seems like Web 4.0 architecture. I suspect Web 4.0 should combine all the best bits of Zettelkastens, emotion-based rating systems, DIY webrings, game design, and other bits I haven’t seen yet, particularly ‘Web 3.0’.
My current homepage is here: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/horatios-general-purpose-recs-list.965864/
It’s called Dungeonthrone, and it’s right here. https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/dungeonthrone.88287/