Jeff A

Karma: 28

Peruvian-American raised and residing in Hudson County, NJ. I live right across Manhattan so you might have seen me at EA-NYC events.

Undergraduate in Economics and minoring in mathematics at Rutgers University-Newark. Associates of Arts Cum Laude from my local community college, where I focused on economics and mathematics.

I am currently looking for summer internships:

•working for Congressperson who works on foreign affairs in DC.

•A think tank focused on foreign affairs in DC or NY.

•Undergraduate research assistant in economics.

I first heard about EA through the Peter Singer TED Talk on YouTube and gradually went down the EA rabbit hole during quarantine in 2020. I kind of fell off and would donate 10% of my paychecks here and there until Sam Harris interviewed Toby Ord and got me thinking about dedicating my career and education to EA cause areas.

Some personal non-EA things about me: I love to play and watch football (I’m sorry, soccer), penny board around NYC and my neighborhood, try cooking some new vegan dishes, and read books.

Best Courses for an Un­der­grad­u­ate Eco­nomics Ma­jor to Get a Job as an Un­der­grad Re­search As­sis­tant?

Jeff A13 Nov 2022 18:16 UTC
10 points
7 comments1 min readEA link