That looks really cool, thanks for sharing! Do you think it would work well in a large group setting?
It seems like a good halfway-house between the standard Wits&Wagers and a forecasting tournament.
That looks really cool, thanks for sharing! Do you think it would work well in a large group setting?
It seems like a good halfway-house between the standard Wits&Wagers and a forecasting tournament.
A collection of terms and their definitions relating to moral status, moral circles and similar. Pieced together (to attempt to make a coherent whole) from a variety of sources. Additions and corrections gratefully accepted.
The set of beings or entities (moral patients) that a person perceives as having moral standing.
References: 1
Alternative term for moral circle, potentially better capturing the fact that the set of entities grouped in some coordinate system is multi-dimensional and not necessarily ‘circular’.
A being or entity included within a theory of good (/axiology/theory of value). Only those considered to have moral standing become moral patients.
References: 1
A being or entity that can have things be non-instrumentally good or bad for them.
An entity has moral standing only if it has some intrinsic moral value.
Values: TRUE/FALSE (moral value > 0)
A measure of the amount of value attributed to a (class of) moral patient. Defined as a function of the patient’s moral status and capacity for welfare (or alternatively, equal to status adjusted welfare).
Values: continuous 0 − 1
The degree to which the interests of a patient with moral standing must be weighed in moral deliberation. Applicable to individuals or general classes (species, populations, etc).
Values: continuous or discrete 0 − 1 (hierarchical view), or TRUE/FALSE (unitarian view)
A measure of how good or bad a welfare subject’s life can go.
Values: continuous 0 − 1
References: 1
Welfare weighted (multiplied) by moral status.
Values: continuous 0 − 1
References: 1
The capacity to be morally responsible for one’s actions or the capacity to owe moral obligations to other beings. Moral standing does not necessarily entail moral agency.
Values: continuous?
References: 1
A dimension along which Moral patients can differ and either moral status or capacity for welfare can be measured.
References: 1
An enlargement of a person or group’s moral circle over time. This often implies only that more entities are now given moral concern by that person or group, but could sometimes also mean entities already given some moral concern are now given more. The term can also refer to the activity of trying to cause this expansion.
Based on this post I felt motivated to try to give a more visual and interactive explanation of the underlying philosophies and their bearing on WELLBYs. This is now available here (with an EA forum version here).