Yes I worry about the pushes becoming a nuisance and losing their appeal. I’d want to to be creative as to how they come across and customizable in terms of frequency.
I think the gamificatjon social pressure and the community element could help with this. Imagine not wanting to lose your giving streak because you have a platinum giving badge that you would lose. Duolingo has loads of in app feature that encourage daily use but I can attest that even those can get annoying and eventually muted.
The fee avoidance is a must have. I’m still researching the best way to do it but for now my best idea is a built in API that routes to websites or giving platforms that allow donations without fees. Giving what you can,, PayPal giving etc. That’s not to say that the problem is solved but my first effort will be to solve that through partnership
Thank you very much for the super helpful feedback. I love the idea of giving donation credit as a gift. I’ve felt the same conundrum when donating on behalf of others where you’re ultimately choosing for them where the money goes. Giving them the money then letting them choose the destination is a great fix.
Matching funds is also something I’d love to incorporate though the way I thought of it could be a corporate or larger donor could sponsor a challenge like when you hit 30 days of consistent giving your next five donations could be matched. Or to drive donations to a specific place: if 100 individuals give to this specific charity today then the sponsor will match the amount.
There’s loads of potential to find ways to motivate others through ‘bonus’ donations. I would want to target people to support this program at a larger level who might be able to back the 30 days of consistent giving unlocks $20 of extra money to be directed by the user.
Would be great to continue brainstorming.
I also feel that the app would benefit from being able to educate the users about the three prompted causes each day. That way the giving is less robotic and more investigative. People who perhaps had not been exposed to FGM or the impact of malaria or climate change adaptation have a resource to expand their connection to philanthropy