Laura Duffy

Karma: 738

I’m a recent graduate of the University of Chicago, where I earned a B.S. in Statistics. I currently am an Executive Research Coordinator at Rethink Priorities. I am passionate about animal welfare, global development, and the long-term flourishing of humans and non-humans alike. I also used to volunteer as a co-facilitator for UChicago EA’s Introductory Fellowship.

Re­think Pri­ori­ties’ Cross-Cause Cost-Effec­tive­ness Model: In­tro­duc­tion and Overview

Derek Shiller3 Nov 2023 12:26 UTC
224 points
93 comments13 min readEA link

Is x-risk the most cost-effec­tive if we count only the next few gen­er­a­tions?

Laura Duffy30 Oct 2023 12:43 UTC
120 points
7 comments20 min readEA link

How Can Risk Aver­sion Affect Your Cause Pri­ori­ti­za­tion?

Laura Duffy20 Oct 2023 19:46 UTC
116 points
6 comments16 min readEA link

2022 Effec­tive An­i­mal Ad­vo­cacy Fo­rum Sur­vey: Re­sults and analysis

Rethink Priorities25 Jul 2023 0:31 UTC
54 points
3 comments1 min readEA link

A Cost-Effec­tive­ness Anal­y­sis of His­tor­i­cal Farmed An­i­mal Welfare Bal­lot Initiatives

Laura Duffy20 Jun 2023 16:08 UTC
154 points
30 comments12 min readEA link