Martyn J

Karma: 116

Co-founder of Clear Solutions, a non-profit focussed on preventing the deaths of young children from diarrhoea, a leading cause of death globally. Incubated by Charity Entrepreneurship, and co-founded with Dr Jun Young (Charlie) Jeong, Clear Solutions operates in Nigeria, increasing access to, and usage of, low-cost highly-effective treatments for diarrhoea, oral rehydration solution (ORS) and zinc.

Previously 15+ years at Google in a variety of technical partnerships and leadership roles.

Nige­ria pi­lot re­port: Re­duc­ing child mor­tal­ity from di­ar­rhoea with ORS & zinc, Clear Solutions

Martyn JMar 21, 2024, 12:43 PM
115 points
10 comments21 min readEA link