Connor Leahy—CEO of Conjecture, an AI Safety startup. You’re gonna get a lot of valuable hot takes from him.
Rob Miles—AI Safety YouTuber, although recently he’s been busy with other stuff.
Dawn Drescher—CEO of ImpactMarkets, so knowledgeable about funding in the EA/AI Safety space, but also great person to talk to about a lot of stuff.
Oliver Habryka—LW Admin
Perrin Walker—aka SolenoidEntity, the voice behind SSC/ACX podcast and many other projects
Karl von Wendt aka Karl Olsberg—German sci-fi writer, educating the German public about AI X-risks
Kelsey Piper—no intro needed
Geoffrey Hinton ans/or Yoshua Bengio—likewise
Also from MIRI: Abram Demski has lots of interesting ideas