Talk to me about your thoughts on how to best study wild animals and their welfare at scale!
I recently moved to Sheffield to work as an engineer on cool stuff to improve the world. I am also a final-year computer science PhD student at the University of Oxford with a physics background. For my thesis I have been co-developing and testing an open source, low-power, low-cost location data logger to help biologists study wild animals.
I recently restarted EA Sheffield as a city group. Come along to our next social if you’re in the area!
Thanks! I actually quite like a minimalist website for now. I wanted it to be free and future proof, so I went with a simple open source Jekyll theme as the base. Here is the source code if anyone wants to clone the EA Sheffield website:
I might buy a custom domain at some point, but I am not sure it’s worth the money.
For now, the focus of EA Sheffield is mostly to just offer community and support for people who are already into EA, rather than market and grow it. But maybe I’ll get back to you on that if I have more bandwidth for this in the future! Amplify sounds interesting—good luck with it!